Friday, September 30, 2011

His is Holy Bible

Psalms 19:7 - The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

The little boy sat next to his grandmother, behind me in the church. Looking forward to the day when I can teach my grandchildren about Jesus and have them come to church with m, I listened to the service with one ear, the other tuned in to the little boy and his grandmother.

He was asking her about what the pastor was doing. She, very quietly and patiently, was explaining everything to him. I noticed he had brought his very own Bible, so when the pastor read from Scripture, the little boy tried to follow along. When the pastor announced he was reading from the NIV section, the boy seemed puzzled. 

"What is the NIV Bible?" He asked his grandmother. When she explained there are many different versions of the Bible, he proudly announced, "Mine's the Holy Bible!"

His response struck a chord. It made me consider just how complicated we can make something so basic as Christianity. We add a lot of do's and dont's, conditions, interpretations, varying opinions, many of those merely add up to division and confusion in the body.

I probably won't recognize that little boy if I were to see him again, but I will never forget his words: "Mine is the Holy Bible!"

And so is mine! Hallelujah!

Mary Beckwith

Saturday, September 3, 2011

When Things Go Wrong
Lord, help me today when things go wrong.
When I get that shopping cart with only three wheels and they're all going in different directions, help me know that my strength comes from you.
Be with me as I drop off my children at soccer practice, Little League, piano lessons, the library, a birthday party and Girl Scouts. Help me to remember to be at the right place at the right time to pick up the right kid.
And today, should my washing machine break down, my dishwasher overflow and my refrigerator decide to start making slushes out of my cartons of milk, help me to be more thankful that they did it a full week beyond their warranty expiration dates.
And, Lord, when dinner burns, and the dog tracks in mud on my newly waxed floors, grant me patience as I toss them both out.
Comfort me when I realize I missed that important appointment at two o'clock because that door-to-door salesman who came at one wouldn't let me get a word in edge-wise until three-thirty.
And when the bottom falls out of my trash bag, help me to look on the bright side. All those empty cereal boxes lying there and all those opened cans rolling around on the floor mean I haven't had to go hungry.
And if my mailman's late, my carpool's early, and those dinner guests I forgot about inviting arrive on time, let me rest in your piece.
Finally, Lord, when I dash to take the kids to school in my robes and curlers, and run out of gas at the front entrance, let me hide in your love.

...For, Lord, when things go wrong, I need to remember that you have a way of making everything right again.

Martha Bolton

Friday, September 2, 2011

Freedom to Be Me

Sometimes we're up, at other times we're down, but we need each other. We need others to let us be ourselves--specially those of like faith, on whom we can depend and to whom we can be able to turn for solace. By the same token we need to allow others to be themselves. Maybe what I'm looking for among a body of Christians doesn't exist. Maybe Im hoping for too much.

What my spirit reaches out for is that group of people who accept me as I am ---warts and all! I'm looking of that support team. I'm looking for that kind of encouragement. Im looking for a church body that won't always knock me dead with scriptures or spiritualize everything in my life. And tell me, aren't you looking for the same thing?

If the church has thought me anything, it has---in a strange, unintentional, back-handed sort of way--taught me to value my freedom. Freedom is the natural (and supernatural) by-product of God's grace, It is a gift for me to be myself.

Through some bitter reasons I have learned that no church member, no fellow Christian has the right to press me into his or her performance mold. More important, I don't want them to do it to me anymore, nor do I want to do it to them.

When i latched into the knowledge of grace, I also latched onto the liberty that comes with it. I lived how to live abundantly, and that, once and for all has killed the desire to go back to a narrow, misery, predictable existence.

I'm free now, and I'm loving it. Im free from bondage. Free from the law. Free from prejudicial living. Free from wanting to judge others. I've learned the truth. and it has set me free.

So Christ has made us free. Now make sure that you stay free and don't get tied up again in the chains of slavery. Galatians 5:1 TLB

Adapted from: The Alchemy of the Heart by Luci Swindoll, 1984 by Multnomah Press.